From today’s challenges of balancing capital projects with unfunded state and federal mandates to long-term infrastructure planning for the future, municipalities are facing critical issues. Robinson Engineering brings creative, sustainable, cost-conscious solutions to help communities achieve their vision.
Key Services
• Extension of Municipal Staff
• Access to 160+ Community Resources
• Representation at Board / Council Meetings
• Capital Improvement Plans
Infrastructure Master Planning
Financing & Grant Assistance
Ordinance Updates & Compliance
Stakeholder Communication & Public Outreach
Grants and Funding
We have secured over $75 million for the region; $35 million since 2010. In addition, we are proficient in TIF, Enterprise Zone and Special Service Districts, and Cook County Property Tax Incentives (Classes 6B, 7A, 7B, & 8). We research grants regularly to evaluate potential opportunities for our clients and their vision for their communities.
The application process is often detailed and involved, which we have successfully completed many times with our clients. It often requires project scope, budget, location, and incidentals such as resolutions, letters of support, signatures, DUNS, and federal employer identification numbers, and other municipal and project specific details.
Types of Funding
• BUILD Grant
• CDBG (Community Development Block Grant)
• CMAP-LTA (Local Technical Assistance)
• CMAP STP-L (Surface Transportation Program-Local)
• CMAP STP-Shared Fund (Surface Transportation Program-Regional Projects)
• CMAQ (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program)
• DCEO (Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity)
• Hazardous Mitigation Grant
• HSIP (Highway Safety Improvement Program)
• IDNR-PARC (Illinois Department of Natural Resources Park and Recreation Facilities Construction Program)
• IHDA (Illinois Housing Development Authority)
• Invest in Cook
• ITEP (Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program)
• MWRD Green Infrastructure
• MWRD Stormwater Partnership Program
• OSLAD (Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development)
• RTA- Access to Transit (Regional Transportation Authority)
• Safe Routes to School
• TAP (Transportation Alternatives Program)
• US Army Corps of Engineers Section 205 Funding