Wood Dale -Ward 2 & 3 Stormwater Improvements - Contract C
Frequent flooding of homes and streets prevented emergency vehicle access. ASCE Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award (Under $10M) recognition included: resourcefulness in planning and in the solutions for the design problems; Innovations in construction materials and methods; Impact on the physical environment, unusual aspects, and aesthetic values; Well-being to people & communities.
Constructed box culvert underground detention system (2.5M gallon
capacity) within the City right-of-way with combined pumped and gravity
discharge -
100-year stormwater conveyance to detention system
26’-deep stormwater lift station with 1500’ of 12” force main
Crossed beneath 36” high pressure natural gas transmission main and
ComEd high voltage distribution towers, coordinated conflicts and public
outreach, and maintained resident access to homes -
Water main and service line replacement throughout project area
Over 2,800’ roadway reconstruction with new curb & gutter and sidewalks
Reduction of peak flows to Squaw Creek and Salt Creek
Increase stormwater detention & conveyance
Improve flood protection for residents