Cottage Grove Avenue Roundabout
The Village of South Holland completely reconstructed one mile of Cottage Grove Avenue between U.S. Route 6 and 170th Street. The improvement included replacement of full depth hot-mix asphalt pavement, concrete curb and gutter, dual on-road bike paths, an ornamental lighting system and landscaped medians. The project was designed and constructed in conjunction with Cook County Highway Department and the Village of South Holland, with the Village taking over roadway jurisdiction in 2008 upon completion of construction.
Robinson Engineering, serving as South Holland’s village engineer since 1957, partnered with the village to procure 100% county funding for engineering design and construction for this project.
Key Project Elements
Public meetings were held to establish community support for two sensitive design issues: reduction of four substandard traffic lanes to three lanes; and a roundabout design to improve a high accident four-way stop location.
Reconfiguration of the four-way stop intersection between Cottage Grove
Avenue and 166th Street as a roundabout; the first roundabout constructed through Cook County Highway Department. This element of the project provides a more efficient, safe and attractive gateway through the Village of South Holland.
Drainage Study to determine stormwater management needs resulted in design and construction of improved closed storm sewer system and 10 Ft x 8 Ft pre-cast box culvert.
Coordination and maintenance of access to more than 80 residential properties, 3 churches, 2 schools and commercial entrances near US Route 6, including high traffic generators Jewel and McDonald’s.
Project Results
The roundabout was dedicated “Freedom Circle” on June 4, 2008 in honor of the public safety personnel, military veterans, and those who serve in the armed forces. Three flag poles with U.S., Illinois and village flags, are surrounded by extensive landscaping and street print to set this focal area apart.
Expanded bicycle network connects residential area with schools, commercial and community fitness center.