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Itasca Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements  


Investigation into the functionality of the recently designed and constructed 3.4 MGD wastewater treatment plant, which experienced operational and performance issues since its initial start-up. Village staff were interviewed and operating records, construction plans, other relevant documents and technical elements related to the WWTP were thoroughly reviewed by Robinson wastewater experts.



  • Investigation revealed three primary problems requiring remediation or replacement:

    • A UV disinfection system unable to meet compliance standards 100% of the time

    • Chemical feed / sludge dewatering system that failed to meet the specified performance standards

    • An incomplete SCADA system requiring excessive staff time to resolve operational issues


  • Aided the Village in identifying various expert witnesses, while overseeing a design effort to remedy the three primary deficiencies and preparing a $6,000,000 IEPA low interest loan application for the remedial work

  • Prepared an amendment to Itasca’s Wastewater Facilities Plan used as the facilities plan for the loan


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