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Frankfort Union Ditch Interceptor Sewer and Force Main  


The Village of Frankfort was consolidating their wastewater treatment plants and increasing the capacity at their regional plant. One of seven construction projects proposed, The Union Ditch Interceptor Sewer and Force Main project conveyed wastewater from the abandoned North WWTP to the existing Hickory Creek interceptor sewer and ultimately to the newly expanded regional plant.



  • Installed 4,360 feet of force main and 4,422 fee of sanitary sewer to convey flows from the abandoned North WWTP

  • Evaluated proposed alignment alternatives for constructability and access for future maintenance

  • Coordination and permitting with IEPA, ACOE, WSCSWCD, ComEd, and Comcast

  • Evaluated proposed pipe material options for constructability and cost effectiveness


  • Abandonment of 40-year old WWTP

  • Reduced operations and maintenance costs for the Village


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