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Summit at Merrillville Road

Intersection Improvement

The City of Crown Point has seen large delays in traffic and pollution at this existing four way stop intersection. The city along with the help of Robinson Engineering, Ltd. (REL) completed a CMAQ application to install a traffic signal and perform geometric changes to minimize the delay of vehicles and decrease the amount of pollution created by vehicles back up at this intersection.

We performed topographic survey and geotechnical work, gathered traffic counts information in order to improve the function and safety of the intersection. The project was designed and will be built to current INDOT standards. The project will be built in the summer/fall of 2017.

Key Project Elements

  • Completed required environmental documents for the project with consisted with preparing a CE 2 document with was approved by INDOT

  • Held public meeting for the City and work with the City to develop contact sensitive solutions

  • Performed traffic counts and analyzed traffic patterns for both current and future conditions to address capacity and geometrics at this intersection

  • Prepared an INDOT Pavement design

  • Coordinated the proposed improvements with all utility companies and work with them to have their facilities relocated to avoid conflicts with the project. Reviewed and approved relocation and work plans

  • Coordinated planning and design elements with INDOT, Federal Highways administration, local business and residents and the City of Crown Point

  • Evaluated permanent and temporary right of way impacts on commercial and residential properties by this project. Prepared Legal and Exhibits, Right of Way Plans and coordinated all appraisers and negotiators for the project in order to acquired right of way for the project

  • Prepared traffic signal and lighting plans for the intersection

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