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AQUA Capacity Evaluation Study


Evaluated sanitary sewer system serving University Park and Monee, Illinois. The system was experiencing hydraulic  bottlenecking issues resulting in surcharging in the areas upstream from the wastewater treatment plant.



  • Identified known problem areas and developed an understanding of the magnitude of system deficiencies based on staff experience

  • Wastewater infrastructure study performed utilizing state-of-the-art USEPA derived methodology and software

  • Hydraulic modeling was used to determine that the existing sanitary sewers were sufficiently sized


  • The study found that the lift station at the headworks of the WWTP and the WWTP itself lacked the capacity to pump and treat the wastewater generated by the design storm events

  • Recommended constructing an excess flow storage basin on the treatment plant property and sized the basin based on the range of design storm events


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