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Munster Fran-Lin Parkway Reconstruction Phase I Storm Sewer Construction
The Town of Munster had been receiving numerous complaints from residents about pavement conditions and local drainage problems along Fran-Lin Parkway. Robinson worked with Town officials/staff to develop a course of action designed to address residents’ complaints in the most cost effective manner.
The project was split in to two phases due to the impending winter/construction season end.
Installed over 3000 feet of storm sewer ranging in size from 12” to 30” at depths ranging from 3’ to 10’
Coordinated with local utility companies during design to avoid conflicts with gas, electric and cable facilities
Coordinated with the USCOE and the Lake County Highway Department to obtain permits/permission to construct two storm sewer out falls at Hart Ditch
Coordinated between the storm sewer contractor and the paving contractor (separate contract) to ensure timely completion and that impacts to local residents were kept to a minimum
Provided construction layout and observation for services
Completed project in less than 2 months, and was almost 3 weeks ahead of schedule
The Town now has the proper storm sewer system