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Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments
The site is comprised of a 0.75 acre parcel of land that has historically been used for commercial purposes. The site was formerly occupied by a fast food restaurant building, which was partially destroyed by fire and razed in 2015.
In January 2017, Robinson Engineering’s affiliate company, GEOCON Professional Services, LLC (GEOCON) was retained by Western Trail Outpost, LLC. to conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the property for their due diligence and establishment of baseline conditions for the planned development of a convenience store and automobile fueling facility.
A total of four soil borings were advanced at the site and selected soil samples were analyzed for contaminants of concern.
In April 2017, GEOCON subsequently conducted a Phase I ESA of the property for lender due diligence requirements. No Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) were identified for the parcel.
Key Project Elements
• GEOCON completed the Phase II ESA in 30 days which allowed for sufficient time to evaluate the assessment in accordance with the due diligence timeframe
• GEOCON utilized a company-owned truck-mounted Geoprobe drilling unit to access the soil sample locations
• Effective communication and coordination with the land owner enabled +the assessment to be conducted in a timely manner