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Village of Tinley Park, IL
Post 7 Sanitary Lift Station
Environmental LUST Reporting Services
The Village retained Robinson Engineering’s affiliate company, GEOCON Professional Services, LLC, to remove a 550-gallon diesel fuel UST system from the Post 7 Lift station site located at 16493 Harlem Avenue in 2014. Since the 1970s, the diesel fuel LUST was used as an emergency backup generator at this lift station which was remodeled in 2017. Upon removal of the tank, a Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) release incident was reported to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and GEOCON completed the required Early Action, Site Investigation and Corrective Action activities and reporting to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for the LUST incident (20140543).
Key Project Elements
• Early Action activities included removal of the LUST system, removal and landfill disposal of 56 tons of contaminated soil to achieve the most stringent Tier 1 Remediation Objectives, excavation sampling for BTEX and PNA analytical testing, a 20 Day Certification and 45 Day Reporting.
• Stage 1 and 2 Site Investigation activities included a groundwater investigation with the installation of shallow monitoring wells and a Class II General Resource Groundwater determination. A Corrective Action phase of work was not warranted for this LUST site. The IEPA issued a No Further Remediation Letter on August 1, 2017 to the Village of Tinley Park for the LUST incident with no land use restrictions.
• GEOCON prepared reimbursement claims after each phase of work and the Village received 100% reimbursement of eligible costs from the Illinois UST Fund for the LUST incident less the $5,000.00 deductible established for the incident by the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM).