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Maco Development, LLC.
and Heritage Developent
and Construction, Inc.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
In January 2018, Robinson Engineering’s affiliate company, GEOCON Professional Services, LLC, was enlisted to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the property for their due diligence purposes as part of an Illinois Housing Development Authority Application for Multifamily Financing for a planned senior housing development. We worked on behalf of MACO Development, LLC. and Heritage Development and Construction, Inc. This included renovations on a single 4.8 acre tract of vacant land that has historically been used for agricultural use.
No Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) were identified for the site and surrounding properties.
Key Project Elements
• GEOCON completed the Phase I ESA in less than 30 days, which allowed for sufficient time to evaluate the assessment in accordance with the due diligence time frame.
• The Phase I ESA also addressed non-scope considerations as described in the IHDA Standards for Environmental Reviews and Professionals, dated December 18, 2017, and included partial completion of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Environmental Assessment Determinations and Compliance Findings for HUD-assisted Projects 24 CFR Part 58 form.
• Effective communication and coordination with the land owner allowed the assessment to be conducted in a timely manner.